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劉勇炫 - 教務組 | 2021-07-14 | 點閱數: 262

由於學校路由器自 1/11 至 7/5 已無故死當四次,每次當機都造成學校大斷網。還好該設備仍在保固期內,故原廠擬於 2021-07-19(週一)到校進行設備更換。
預計斷網時間: 2021-07-19 17:30 - 18:30

School's network router had crash 4 times from 2021-01-11 to 2021-07-05. We will change a new device to solve this problem at 2021-07-19 17:30. Thus it will be cause school's network out of service for 1 hour(17:30 - 18:30). 

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